Definition of Sweet gum tree

1. Noun. A North American tree of the genus Liquidambar having prickly spherical fruit clusters and fragrant sap.

Definition of Sweet gum tree

1. Noun. A tree, ''Liquidambar styraciflua'', found in the southern US. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Sweet Gum Tree

sweet cream
sweet cup
sweet dreams
sweet elder
sweet false chamomile
sweet fern
sweet flag
sweet flags
sweet four o'clock
sweet gale
sweet goldenrod
sweet granadilla
sweet gum
sweet gum tree
sweet gum trees
sweet hereafter
sweet iron
sweet leaf
sweet lemon
sweet lime
sweet marjoram
sweet melon
sweet melon vine
sweet mother of Jesus
sweet nothings
sweet oil
sweet oils
sweet orange

Literary usage of Sweet gum tree

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Tree Book: A Popular Guide to a Knowledge of the Trees of North America by Julia Ellen Rogers (1905)
"These leaf stems are long and flexible—a very important fact in analysing the beauty of the sweet gum tree in full leaf. The large shining blades flutter on ..."

2. The Tree Book: A Popular Guide to a Knowledge of the Trees of North America by Julia Ellen Rogers (1905)
"These leaf stems are long and flexible—a very important fact in analysing the beauty of the sweet gum tree in full leaf. The large shining blades flutter on ..."

3. Proceedings of the American Pharmaceutical Association at the Annual Meeting by American Pharmaceutical Association, National Pharmaceutical Convention, American Pharmaceutical Association Meeting (1864)
"... measures were taken to have certain experiments made on the sweet gum tree, as it occurs in Louisiana, by a gentleman occupying a prominent position in ..."

4. Plant Names, Scientific and Popular, Including in the Case of Each Plant the by Albert Brown Lyons (1900)
"Storax tree, Oriental Sweet-gum tree. Balsam prepared from the inner bark, Storax; ... Sweet-gum tree, Star-leaved Gum-tree, Red Gum- tree, Alligator tree, ..."

5. A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, Adapted to by Andrew Jackson Downing (1844)
"... but only in scattered specimens, to give interest and variety to a walk in the lawn or shrubbery. THE sweet gum tree. Liquidambar. Nat. ..."

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